How to Create QR Code Art with QRious Space

QR codes are a popular way of encoding information in a two-dimensional barcode that can be scanned by a smartphone or other device. QR codes are widely used for various purposes, such as linking to websites, displaying contact information, or providing coupons. However, QR codes are not very attractive to look at, and they often clash with the design of the surrounding environment. How can we make QR codes more appealing and engaging, while still preserving their functionality?

One possible solution is to use artificial intelligence (AI) to generate QR code art, which is a form of digital art that combines QR codes with other visual elements, such as images, colors, shapes, or patterns. AI QR code art can enhance the aesthetic value of QR codes and make them more interesting and memorable for the viewers. Moreover, AI QR code art can also convey additional information or messages through the choice of visual elements.

In this blog post, we will introduce QRious Space, a platform that allows you to create QR code art with ease and convenience. QRious Space is based on Stable Diffusion, a generative AI model that can create realistic and diverse images from text or image prompts. We will also show you some of the unique features and benefits that QRious Space offers for your QR code art creation.

What is QRious Space?

QRious Space is a platform that allows you to create QR code art with ease and convenience. QRious Space is based on Stable Diffusion, a generative AI model that can create realistic and diverse images from text or image prompts.

QRious Space simplifies the process of creating QR code art by providing you with an intuitive and user-friendly interface that does not require any technical skills or knowledge. You do not need to worry about setting up Stable Diffusion, downloading models, or generating images by yourself. You just need to enter the information you want to encode in your QR code, choose the style or effect you want for your QR code art, and click the generate button. QRious Space will do the rest for you.

What are the Unique Features and Benefits of QRious Space?

QRious Space offers several unique features and benefits that are not available in standard Stable Diffusion based code generators. Some of them are:

  • Dynamic QR: QRious Space gives you an option to use dynamic QR codes instead of static ones (see our [DYNAMIC VS STATIC] blog post). Briefly, dynamic QR codes are normally a paid option in standard QR code generators and they allow you to change or update the information encoded in your QR code at any time, without changing the appearance of the code. They also allow you to track and analyze your QR code performance (i.e., the number of scans for your code). Dynamic QR codes are more useful for business purposes than static ones, as they offer more flexibility and measurability.
  • Strengthened QR:Strengthened QR: QRious Space uses luminance correction algorithms to enhance the visibility and scannability of your QR code art post-production. This means that you can ensure that your QR code will be scannable even if you use complex or colorful styles or effects for your QR code art. While normally generated QR codes may be beautiful, there is no guarantee that they will work, even if your specific phone is able to scan them. While these algorithms are quite helpful, it is still important to choose the best generation settings to make your QR code artistic quality great while still keeping the QR code scannable.
  • QR Code Checker:QR Code Checker: QRious Space uses QR code scan algorithms to check if your QR code art is scannable before delivering it to you. This is an additional guarantee that your QR code will work as intended.
  • Templates:Templates: QRious Space provides you with some pre-selected combinations of settings and prompts that can guarantee great quality of your QR code art without worrying about prompt engineering. This is a great option if you want to focus on your business and not on the sophisticated process of art optimization.
  • Dedicated Servers and API:Dedicated Servers and API: If you are serious about automated QR code art generation, we can provide you with a dedicated API endpoint and your own server for generation. You will be charged a monthly fee and not per quantity of generations.


In this blog post, we introduced QRious Space, a platform that allows you to create QR code art with ease and convenience. We also showed you some of the unique features and benefits that QRious Space offers for your QR code art creation. We hope you find this blog post helpful and interesting.