Static vs Dynamic QR Codes: What’s the Difference and Which One to Use?

However, not all QR codes are the same. There are two main types of QR codes: static and dynamic. What’s the difference between them, and which one should you use for your needs? In this blog post, we will explain the difference between static and dynamic QR codes, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

What are Static QR Codes?

Static QR codes are QR codes that store the information directly in the code itself. This means that once the QR code is created, the information cannot be changed or updated. The information is fixed and permanent.

Static QR codes are simple and easy to create and use. You can create static QR codes with any online QR code generator, such as [QR Code Monkey], [QR Code Generator], or [The Qrcode Generator]. You just need to enter the information you want to encode, choose the size and design of the QR code, and download or print the QR code image.

What are Dynamic QR Codes?

Dynamic QR codes are QR codes that store the information in a server or a database, rather than in the code itself. This means that the information can be changed or updated at any time, without changing the appearance of the code. The information is flexible and editable.

For example, if you create a dynamic QR code that links to your website, you can change the URL of the website at any time, without changing the QR code image. The QR code will always link to the latest URL that you have set. Similarly, if you create a dynamic QR code that displays your phone number, you can change the phone number at any time, without changing the QR code image. The QR code will always display the latest phone number that you have set.

Dynamic QR codes are more advanced and versatile than static QR codes. You can create dynamic QR codes with some online QR code generators that offer this feature, such as [QR Code Monkey], [QR Code Generator], or [The Qrcode Generator]. You need to create an account and log in to access this feature. You can then enter the information you want to encode, choose the size and design of the QR code, and download or print the QR code image. You can also edit or update the information anytime by logging in to your account and accessing your dashboard.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Static and Dynamic QR Codes

Both static and dynamic QR codes have their own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your needs and goals. Here are some of them:

Advantages of Static QR Codes

  • They are free and easy to create and use.
  • They do not require an internet connection to scan or access.
  • They have higher error correction and readability than dynamic QR codes.

Disadvantages of Static QR Codes:

  • They cannot be changed or updated once created.
  • They cannot be tracked or analyzed for performance or results.
  • They have limited storage capacity and functionality than dynamic QR codes.

Advantages of Dynamic QR Codes:

  • They can be changed or updated anytime without changing the code image.
  • They can be tracked and analyzed for performance or results using various tools and metrics.
  • They have unlimited storage capacity and functionality than static QR codes.

Disadvantages of Dynamic QR Codes:

  • They may require a fee or subscription to create and use.
  • They require an internet connection to scan or access.
  • They have lower error correction and readability than static QR codes.


In this blog post, we explained the difference between static and dynamic QR codes, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each type. We hope you find this blog post helpful and interesting.